Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University

For Authors

  • Aims & Scope
  • Calls for Papers & Page Charges
  • Submission
  • Presentation and Formatting
  • Tables and Figures
  • Editorial Policy
  • Copyright and Permissions
  • Ethics Policy
  • Contacts

Aims & Scope

The International Journal of Management, Business, and Economics (IJMBE) is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as:

• Business strategy & policy
• Organizational behavior
• Human resource management
• Organizational theory
• Entrepreneurship
• Research Methods

Calls for Papers & Page Charges

Calls for Papers
The following normal issues have been announced by the IJMBE Editorial Team. We welcome your submissions and encourage authors interested in submitting to a normal issue to discuss their submissions with the normal issue editors in advance.

Submissions for all special issues will be managed through the journal’s centralized submission system – please do not email your submission to the editors.

Current Calls
IJMBE has issued a new call for papers for Special Issue, with a submission deadline of December 31, 2024.

Page Charges
Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication, the author(s) or his/her/their company or institution will be asked to pay a charge of 5,000 Baht by transferring to the following account.

Account Name: Thai VCML
Accounting Number: 030-019-888-4
Bank Name: Bangkok Bank
Bank Location: 333 Silom Road, Silom, Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand


IJMBE welcomes submissions from across all business disciplines.

International Journal of Management, Business, and Economics (IJMBE) is published by Sripatum University, University of Greenwich, and Lincoln University. It is published thrice yearly in a spring, summer, and fall edition and is directed toward the needs of academia, practitioners, executives, researchers, students, and the general public interested in business management (i.e., Marketing, Service Management, Innovation and Design in Business, Finance, Banking, Accounting, Economics, Insurance and Risk Management, Production, Industrial and Operation Management, Strategic Management and Management, International and Global Business Management, Entrepreneurships, Organization Behaviour, Business Ethics, Business Law, Business System, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Human Resource Management, and Office and Facility Management).

Presentation and Formatting

Manuscripts should be typed single-spaced in 12-point type using Times Roman or similar type. Use single spacing in endnote references. Please allow the text to wrap, rather than entering a RETURN or LINEFEED after every line.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, preferably in Microsoft Word, to the Editors at the following e-mail address: It is not possible to submit an electronic copy, send four (4) copies of the manuscript to the Editors. Non-electronic submissions require more time to administer, so authors should be aware that the processing time for their manuscripts will be longer.

The sections of the manuscript should be placed in the following order: Cover page, Title page, Authors, Abstract (on a page by itself) and Body, Illustrations, Citation, References, and Appendices.

Cover Page

The cover page should include the title of the manuscript and the authors’ name(s) in the order in which they will be printed. The following information should be provided for each co-author: name, title, university/company name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address. Please indicate which co-author will serve as the primary contact for the Journal.

In addition to any acknowledgment of financial or technical assistance, this page should include each author’s title, present position, and complete address and telephone number. Please keep professional titles succinct.

Title Page

Type the title in bold type, all caps, single-spaced, and centered across the top of the first page, in 14 point Times New Roman, as illustrated above.


The author(s), affiliation(s), mailing address(es), and e-mail address(es) should be single-spaced and centered on the line below the title, in 12 point bold Times New Roman for the author(s), and in normal Times New Roman for the remainders. One line space should be used to separate author(s) from the paper title. Please do not use titles such as Dr., Professor, etc.

Abstract (on a page by itself), and Body

Introduce the paper with an abstract of approximately 100-200 words, in 12 point Times New Roman. Begin with the centered heading “Abstract”. All body paragraphs should begin flush left (no paragraph indent) and right justified. Single-space the body of the paper. Use 12 point Times New Roman throughout. Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. First-level headings state the table or figure number. All tables and images should be embedded into the file and sized appropriately. All photographs should be sampled at 300 dpi (dots per inch). Keep in mind that web graphics are typically sampled at 72 dpi. Photographs must be properly sized and positioned in the body of the paper.

Tables and Figures

Each illustration should be numbered consecutively within its series type (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2). If illustrations appear in appendices, they should be numbered consecutively, but separately from body illustrations (e.g., Table A-1, Figure A-1). In the text, refer to tables and figures by their numbers. Avoid using “above,” “below,” “preceding,” and similar terms. All Tables and Figures must have titles. Titles for each Table and Figure should be descriptive but not lengthy. The title should be in bold letters at the top of the Table or Figure.

Tables and Figures should be called “Table” or “Figure” and should be followed by a blank line and then the title for the table or figure also in bold letters at the top of the table or figure.

For Journal purposes, tables and figures are defined as follows: a table is comprised of rows and columns of numbers and/or text; a figure is a chart, graph, diagram, map, drawing, or any other non-text item that is not a table. Tables should be typed in the following style:

General Design

For more effective communication and better quality reproduction when printed, tables and figures should be kept as simple and uncluttered as possible, while conveying all necessary information.


Footnotes should appear directly below illustrations, flush with the left edge, and they should be designated by small letters, rather than asterisks or numerals. Column or row heads should be footnoted only if the footnote applies to all items in the column or row. Complete source information must be provided for illustrations copied or derived from other sources. This complete information should be provided and an author-date citation should be given in a source note on the illustration. (Source notes are sized and placed like footnotes, below any footnotes for the illustration.)

If elements on an illustration are not labelled, but represent certain categories, items, or amounts, a complete key (legend) should be included. Make sure that necessary measures of statistical significance are reported with each illustration. Designate units (percent, dollars, hours, etc.) in column and row headings (tables) or in element labels or keys (figures). Separate from each figure, give numerical values for all points, bars, pie slices, etc., so that they can be readily reproduced by the typesetter, if necessary. Double-check formulae and mathematical terms and equations for consistency, readability, and accuracy. Add extra space between characters to clarify and separate the terms, and be sure that sub and superscript relationships are clear. Check for opening and closing parenthesis and brackets. Write the names of Greek and special characters in the margin. Use tab indents or column alignment, rather than spaces, to align columns and indent headings.

English (USA) spelling should be used; foreign terms not commonly used in English (USA) should be italicized.

Regarding Mathematical Notation

The percent sign (%) should be used in text and in tables. Mathematical notation must be clear within the text and illustrations. All equations must be very clearly typed. Display (separate line) equations should be aligned to the left margin. Italic type is used for letters in equations, except for trigonometric functions and logarithm abbreviations, which are plain (normal) type. Matrices and vectors are in boldface type. (If these cannot be typed in italic and boldface, italic type can be indicated by a hand-drawn straight underline and boldface by a wavy underline). Unusual and Greek symbols should be typed in the text using the Symbol capability. If no Symbol capability is possible, such special characters should be identified by name in a marginal note. (This is important; the editor may be not familiar with these symbols and may have difficulty producing the correct one without a marginal note.) For equations that might be too long to type in a 6” column, indicate appropriate breaks.


The IJMBE follows the reference format of Academy of Management Journal. This format is available at the AMJ's website The use of footnotes is discouraged.


References are to be listed alphabetically, last name first, followed by publication date in parentheses. Use full first name, not just initials. The reference list should be typed single-spaced in 12-point type. Please let the Endnotes wrap rather than using tabs or returns at the end of internal lines. Do not use indents, tabs, or symbols to delineate your paragraphs. Instead, use two hard returns between each reference.

Proceedings/Journal Articles:

U-on, V. (2015), “Marketing Logistics in the Asean Economics Community: A Conceptual Model,” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Management, Business, and Economics & the 3rd International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics, February 12-14, 2015, Rydges Sydney Hotel, Sydney, Australia.

Lukason, O. and Hoffman, R. C. (2014), “Firm Bankruptcy Probability and Causes: An Integrated Study,” International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9, No. 11, p. 80-91.


Morden, T. (2007), “Principles of Strategic Management” (3 Eds.), Ashgate Publishing: Burlington, USA.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. Check them carefully. Readers’ questions and comments about incomplete and inaccurate References will be referred to the article authors with a follow-up by the Editor. All authors of a referenced work should be listed; et al. should not be used in the Reference list. Undefined acronyms should not be used.


If any mathematical proof or development is used but not critical to the exposition of the main argument of the manuscript, authors should include it in an appendix. An appendix may also be used for the mathematical material that may be beyond the level of the average reader.

Editorial Policy

The IJMBE is designed as a forum for current research, opinions, and identification of trends in business management. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editors, the Editorial Review Board, or Sripatum University, University of Greenwich, and Lincoln University.

The copyright of all published material belongs to Sripatum University, with future use rights reserved. This, however, does not limit the author’s right to use his or her own material.


The editorial objectives of IJMBE are to advance knowledge and science and to stimulate greater thought and effort in the fields of business management, and by providing readers with:

• Novel and useful information;
• New business management theory or techniques;
• Research explaining about business management thought and practice;
• Articles in subject areas which have significant current impact on thought and practice in business management.


The IJMBE will mainly consider for publication three types of articles:

1. Articles that report empirical research on business management issues.
2. Articles that report on the development of methodologies and techniques that can enhance business management decision making.
3. Articles that report the application of decision tools to generic or specific business management problems.

Manuscripts should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words, typically 15-20 single-spaced, typewritten pages. Articles of shorter length are also acceptable. Only rarely will it be possible to publish a manuscript of more than 6,000 words.


Articles are considered for publication if they have not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere and are not being concurrently considered elsewhere. Authors will usually be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within 16 weeks of submission.

No manuscript is accepted for IJMBE until it has been reviewed by the Editor or one of the Associate Editors and at least two outside reviewers who are experts in their respective fields.

All manuscripts are judged on their contribution to the advancement of the science and/or practice of business management. The editors expect all manuscripts to follow accepted standards for scholarly work. Manuscripts are judged not only on depth and scope of ideas presented and their contribution to the field, but also on their clarity, organization, readability, and comprehensibility.

Manuscripts should be written in a manner that is interesting and readable to both practitioners and academics. It is beneficial to include a section regarding managerial implications and discussion of the consequences of applying the proposed ideas. Technical terms should be defined.

Copyright and Permissions

Submitting a manuscript to IJMBE constitutes an assignment of copyright to the Journal and a guarantee that the work is original. It also indicates that the author(s) owns it, and that no part of it has been previously published in substantially the same form, that it is not being published or considered for publication elsewhere, and that any use of others’ materials is by permission or falls within fair use standards of copyright law. The author(s) is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission from copyright holders and for paying any necessary fees. Extensive paraphrasing is considered disguised copying; permission is required.

Portions of an item, such as some of the data from a table, or part of a graphic representation of a model, can be used without permission if they are properly credited with full and exact source information and do not comprise a significant portion of the submitted article. Copies of written permissions should be submitted with the final manuscript.

Ethics Policy

We expect all prospective authors to understand our Ethics Policy before submitting any manuscript to this journal. This policy details the responsibilities of all authors, editors and reviewers, as well as our own ethical responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, falsification of data, misuse of third party material, fabrication of results and fraudulent authorship.


Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, preferably in Microsoft Word, to the Editors at the following e-mail address: If it is not possible to submit an electronic copy, send three (3) copies of the manuscript to the Editors. Non-electronic submissions require more time to administer, so authors should be aware that the processing time for their manuscripts will be longer.

When the authors are notified of acceptance, they will be asked to provide the final, accepted version of the article on in electronic format containing the article text files.
© 2019 - 2025 International Journal of Management, Business, and Economics
Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University